Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Carnival of Socialism out this Sunday

After a long absence the Carnival of Socialism is back this Sunday at the excellent Third Estate. If you have suggested posts please send them to...

If you fancy having a go at the Carnival yourself we're opening up the calendar again, but having learned the hard lessons of the past we'll only book three Carnivals in advance so we don't book people so far in advance they forget they're a blogger, let alone that they are doing the Carnival!

Leave a comment below if you want to book yourself into either the 30th May or 13th June.

It's good to be back.


Benjamin Solah said...

Isn't the email thethirdestate?

Jim Jepps said...

Is it? I just cut and paste what I was told

Benjamin Solah said...

Well sent it both and my piece wasn't like to.

Vietnam visa France said...

thanks so much and good luck for you

Anonymous said...

Good Article , and i happy for read it

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